You have an innovative idea about energy... now what?


Maybe you've had a really good idea before, but didn't know if it would actually work. Or who knows, your idea was well put together, but your company just couldn't pursue it. Because you need expertise and budget to develop and test the idea, but you lack both. That is a pity, of course, because good ideas are necessary to develop further as a company and to make the construction sector more sustainable.

That is why the European Commission set up a network of more than a hundred European Digital Innovation Hubs (or EDIHs). These EDIHs are a one-stop shop for innovative ideas: all services needed to realise a digital transformation are in one place, both online on their website and physically at Thor Park. The accessibility and centralisation of expertise and support make this project unique. All you have to do as a company is sign up with your idea, after which you can count on guidance on the next steps.

There are some requirements, because your idea must fit within the concept. The EDIH-EBE project is specifically looking for ideas for energy in the built environment (hence the abbreviation EBE - Energy in the Built Environment). This means that the ideas must be linked to construction and energy and be an ICT solution. If you tick these boxes and are an SME, you are the ideal candidate to apply. This way, innovation does not remain just for big companies. For this project, companies with fewer than 250 employees count as SMEs, which means that the majority of Flemish construction companies can make use of it. By the way, larger companies can also register their idea through the same route, but with a paid follow-up.

The digital innovation hub is a collaboration between several Flemish actors who make their strengths, knowledge and infrastructure available: EnergyVille (KU Leuven, VITO, imec, UHasselt), T2 campus in cooperation with SyntraPXL and VDAB, Flux50, Embuild Flanders in cooperation with Techlink, Embuild Limburg and POM Limburg.

They are assisted by supporting partners, each offering significant added value: Incubathor, Thor Park, VOKA, Enterprise Europe Network Flanders and the Flemish Supercomputer Centre.

👉 Do you have an innovative idea?

👉 Is it about energy in construction and is it ICT-related?

👉 Are you an SME?